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Background Information

What are stem cells?

Types of Stem Cells

​Stem cells can be categorized as:

Embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos, an organism in the early stages of development. Scientists can obtain embryonic stem cells by getting donations from patients at fertility clinics. 

Adult stem cells ,also known as somatic cells, can be found in some developed tissues or organs. They also include mesenchymal stem cells, neural stem cells, and hematopoietic stem cells. The main difference between embryonic and adult stem cells are their ability to differentiate. Embryonic stem cells are capable of becoming any cell type in the human body while adult stem cells have a more limited range.​​

Pluripotent stem cells can develop into any and every single cell type that makes up the body.

Multipotent stem cells are capable of becoming more than one cell type, but are more limited than pluripotent cells.

Totipotent stem cells have the ability to form all cell types in the body including extraembryonic or placental cells.

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​A stem cell is an undifferentiated cell that has the potential to become a specialized cell. They are the foundation of all the organs in the body. Stem cells can be found in a fetus, embryo, umbilical cord, placenta, and mature body tissues. Although stem cells can be found in many body parts, the embryo is the most understood.
Stem cells have two distinguishing traits. First, they have the ability to multiply while maintaining the capability to transform into other types of cells. Second, they can potentially be used to create tissue or specialized cells in the body.   The study of stem cells will lead us one step closer to finding cures for serious medical conditions.

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What are some major challenges with stem cell research?



​​There are many technical challenges that must be overcome before stem cells can be used to cure and treat medical conditions and disabilities. Controversy with embryonic stem cell research is centered on the moral implications of destroying human embryos and discussion over what point in development is an embryo considered a human being. Debates over whether federal funding for the research should be ban or not emerges with many who are conflicted over the two opinions. Challenges with stem cell research seem to grow as time goes by as we advance in our medical sciences.



Who were the first scientists to prove that stem cells exist?

Why did scientists research stem cells?

EuroStemCell explains what stem cells are and where they came from in an engaging informational video (1)

​​Many scientists have contributed to the development and discovery of stem cell research. The first scientist to suggest that stem cells exist is Russian-American scientist, Alexander Maksimov. In 1961, scientists Dr. James E. Till and Dr. Ernest A. McCulloch of the Ontario Cancer Institute, prove the existence of stem cells through experiments and tests on the bone marrow of mice. Although Alexander Maksimov was the first one to suggest the presence of stem cells, Till and McCulloch were credited for proving their existence. The research of Till and McCulloch paved the way for other scientists to make discoveries in stem cell science.​

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​​Scientists were initially attracted to stem cells because of their ability to develop into specialized cells. These special cells can transform into any other type of cell in the body, making them potentially valuable in treating medical conditions. Medical researchers believe that stem cells will be able to provide effective low cost treatment for diabetes, heart attacks, stroke, spinal cord damage, some forms of blindness, and other health problems.  However, it will take several years of research and testing before stem cells can be used to its full potential.​

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